Suche in
Strouse, Gabrielle A.: MacClure, Elisabeth: Myers, Lauren J.: Zosh, Jennifer M.: Troseth, Georgene L.: u.a.: Zooming through development: Using video chat to support family connections. [2021]
Rasmussen, Eric E.: Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Colwell, Malinda J.: Russo Johnson, Colleen: Holiday, Steven: u.a.: Promoting preschoolers' emotional competence through prososcial TV and mobile app use. [2019]
Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Newland, Lisa A.: Mourlam, Daniel J.: Educational and fun? Parent versus preschooler perceptions and co-use of digital and print media. [2019]
Troseth, Georgene L.: Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Russo Johnson, Colleen E.: Early digital literacy: Learning to watch, watching to learn. [2017]
Troseth, Georgene L.: Russo, Colleen E.: Strouse, Gabrielle A.: What's next for research on young children's interactive media? [2016]
Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Troseth, Georgene L.: Supporting toddlers' transfer of word learning from video. [2014]
Calvert, Sandra L.: Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Strong, Bonnie L.: Huffaker, David A.: Lai, Sean: Preadolescent girls' and boys' virtual MUD play. [2009]
Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Troseth, Georgene L.: "Don't try this at home": Toddlers' imitation of new skills from people on video. [2008]
Calvert, Sandra L.: Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Murray, Katherine J.: Empathy for adolescents' role model selection and learning of DVD content. [2006]
Calvert, Sandra L.: Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Murray, Katherine J.: Empathy for adolescents' role model selection and learning of DVD content. [2006]
Calvert, Sandra L.: Rideout, Victoria J.: Woolard, Jennifer L.: Barr, Rachel F.: Strouse, Gabrielle A.: Age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic patterns in early computer use. A national survey. [2005]
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